Schedule Inclusion
Because of the coronavirus pandemic, many groups started hosting online meetings using Zoom. All current groups have resumed in-person meetings, but many continute to host online meetings in addition to their in-person meetings. Please refer to this page for access information and updates to local online meeting schedules. For additional online options and other resources such as speaker tapes and more, please go to “aa-intergroup.org”.
We publish printed meeting schedules for your convenience, available at most groups and at the Central Office. Groups must meet only one requirement for inclusion in the meeting schedule: Tradition Three, which states:
- Its Members Ought To Be Men And Women Who Suffer From Alcoholism
- Its Meetings Should Be Open To All Alcoholics
- As A Group, It Should Have No Other Affiliation
Inclusion in the schedule or on the website is not dependent on a group’s financial support of Mid-Mississippi Intergroup.

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